
The 50 most prominent titles on Netflix in August 2024

Read a sample of our frequent reports on the visibility of titles on VOD services

Below is a snippet from Arvester’s monthly reports on the most visible titles on VOD services, revealing which titles have benefitted from prominence on Netflix’ homepage during the month of August 2024. This data provides unprecedented insight into the editorial decisions (human or otherwise) made by Netflix when selecting which titles to suggest to their users. Prominence is paramount to attracting viewers to a program, and so Arvester’s data complements viewership data to paint a fuller picture of the VOD ecosystem.

The data published here pertains to Netflix in France, accessed weekly (every Friday) via a web browser on a 13-inch screen. A new profile was created each week, meaning that the homepages were all free of algorithmic personalisation based on past user behaviour.

For more in-depth data (weekly reports, more titles and metadata), other services and territories, and for data on personalised user profiles, please contact us at and

For more information on how our visibility score is calculated, see here.

To understand the importance of measuring prominence on VOD services, read our white paper.

Titles with the highest total visibility score on Netflix in August 2024
Titles with the highest total visibility score on Netflix in August 2024

The aggregation of 4 weeks of visibility makes results skew toward titles that are not necessarily the most prominent at any given time, but are consistently well-positioned on the homepage over the whole period. Hence the absence of titles that were released during that month and the presence at the top spots of classics such as Wednesday, Orange is the New Black, Stranger Things… The last column shows the maximum visibility score attained by each title over the period. Note that no title has obtained a score over 90. Also of note is the maximum number of appearances per title, which shows that the most visible titles tend to also be the ones that recur the most throughout the homepage.

The evolution in the visibility of titles over the period reveals certain trends, with some titles gaining in prominence while others experience a drop in their visibility.

On the up:

  • Le Chemin de l’olivier [Another Self] — a new season of this Turkish series was released in July
  • Squid Game — coincides with the announcement of a second season and an accompanying video game
  • Meurtre Mode d’Emploi [A Good Girl's Guide to Murder] — this BBC adaptation of a crime novel was released on French Netflix on August 1st
  • Lucifer — the last season of this series came out in 2021. Its high visibility on the homepage is testament to its enduring appeal

On the decline:

  • Sweet Home
  • Outlander
  • Designated Survivor
  • Sous la Seine
  • Orange is the New Black

Other types of rankings can be generated with our data, such as the most visible genres, countries of origin, languages, even actors and directors. Get in touch with us for more.