
Our visibility score explained

We give each title a score that corresponds to its degree of visibility. Here's how that works.

In order to make sense of the intricate mechanisms at play regarding content prominence on VOD services, we've created a visibility score, which helps us to carry out better analyses and facilitates understanding for our clients. This score allows us to rank all thumbnails on a homepage —and by extension all titles, genres, nationalities, actors etc.— based on how visible they are to the user.

Diagram showing examples of visibility scores

A score from 0 to 100 is automatically assigned to each thumbnail on the homepage. It takes into account the position of the thumbnail in relation to the top and the left edges of the page, as well as its size on the screen. A score of 100 means that the thumbnail appeared at the very top of the page and filled the user's whole screen. The lower the score, the less visible the thumbnail was on the page. Titles often appear multiple times on the same homepage, so the total visibility score for a single title can be above 100. The same goes for genres, actors/directors, languages etc.

This simple operation makes it possible to establish rankings of the most visible titles, countries of production, genres and so on at any given time or over a period of time.