
Arvester’s Prime-space Weekly in Le film français

Our rankings will be published weekly by the leading trade magazine for the French audiovisual industry

We’re thrilled to announce a new partnership with Le film français, France's leading film industry publication, to publish Prime-space Weekly, a first-of-its-kind ranking of the most visible titles on Netflix, Prime Video, and Disney+ in France.

Our methodology is based on an analysis of four distinct profiles: three personalised profiles and one without viewing history. The ranking itself is determined by Arvester's own visibility score, assigned according to the prominence of each title across these platforms.

Prime-space Weekly brings the concept of prime-time television to the world of video-on-demand. Just as prime-time slots dictate viewership on traditional TV, a title's visibility on streaming platforms significantly impacts its audience. At Arvester, we think that trying to gauge a show's popularity without considering its prominence is a bit like measuring a TV program’s audience without knowing its channel or broadcast time.

Thus our data will nicely complement Médiamétrie’s audience measurement data, expected later this year, to offer a more complete picture of the VOD landscape in France.

We would like to extend our sincere thanks to Florian Krieg, editor-in-chief of Le film français, for his collaboration on this project.